For Providers

How we work together to get the best outcomes 

What we are

  • We are here to help advocate for your patients so they feel confident and educated.
  • We are here to improve your patients outcomes, we want them to be successful as soon as possible!
  • We are here to help you and your patient meet their family planning goals.
  • We are here to improve your client’s overall experience. 
  • We are here to clear up some of your clients' concerns and questions. 
  • We are here to help consolidate your clients' questions for you and your staff.
  • We are here to provide emotional support to your patients when they feel stressed, overwhelmed and anxious.
  • We are here to help your client determine when it’s important to call or seek care versus when it's okay to wait.
  • We are here to help your client’s overall health to improve their egg quality as well as their chances of becoming pregnant naturally, with medical assistance, or with IVF.
  • We are here to help your clients do their injections and take their medications correctly and with confidence.
  • We are here to provide an extension of the excellent care you provide, getting your patients higher satisfaction, improved outcomes, and less stress and anxiety during their journey. 
  • We want our clients to have GREAT outcomes as soon as possible, which improve your SART & CDC ART data!
  • We are here to work together. 
  • We would love to partner together, learn more about your fertility clinic, learn about how we can serve clients together to get the best possible outcomes and least emotional strain. 



What we are NOT

  • We are not trying to create, adjust or have any role regarding your clients' protocol. 
  • We are not undermining your professional experience, judgment, and education.
  • We are not here to be Reproductive Endocrinologists or replace any role of the physician.Â