Support During Egg Freezing

Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a groundbreaking technology that empowers women to take control of their reproductive futures. It allows women to preserve their fertility by freezing and storing their eggs for later use. This breakthrough in reproductive medicine has opened up new opportunities for family planning, career development, and partner selection,  but it can be a daunting process.

In this post, I want to talk about the support and resources available to women considering egg freezing, with a special focus on how Katy Poole Wellness significantly improves the experience of the journey, from choosing the right clinic to the injection process and ultimately achieving better outcomes in terms of  MORE high-quality eggs. The eggs must be of good quality to lead to a healthy baby! 

Understanding the Importance of Support and Resources

Egg freezing is a significant decision, and the journey can be filled with emotional, physical, and financial challenges. Having the right support and resources in place can make a tremendous difference in this journey. Here's why they matter:

  1. Informed Decision-Making: Access to information and guidance helps you make well-informed decisions regarding egg freezing. It's crucial to understand the procedure, its implications, and the factors that influence success. It is complicated. It's also good to discuss your expectations, how many rounds you will need, how many eggs you want, and how many kids you estimate you want.
  2. Emotional Support: The process can be emotionally taxing, especially if it involves making difficult decisions about fertility and career. Many people did not want to be in a position where they had to consider egg freezing. Emotional support can help women cope with stress and uncertainty.
  3. Quality Care: Choosing the right clinic and healthcare professionals is paramount. Quality care ensures a safe and effective egg-freezing process. You need to know that your clinic is high quality and not looking to just make money. This is an emerging field and you want to be sure you're getting high-quality care and someone that follows the guidelines. 
  4. Financial Assistance: Egg freezing can be costly. Resources for financial planning and potential assistance can alleviate the financial burden. Your health insurance may pay some towards this but you must look into this. You also have to advocate for yourself. Sometimes it is hard to get a  succinct answer.
  5. Better Outcomes: Ultimately, the quality of care and support received can impact the outcome – the number and quality of eggs frozen.

Support and Resources for Egg Freezing

There are many avenues for support and resources available to women considering egg freezing. 

  1. Informational Resources
  • Online Egg Freezing Communities: Online forums, social media groups, and websites dedicated to fertility and egg freezing provide a platform for women to connect, share experiences, and gather information.
  • Books and Articles: Several books and articles have been written on the subject, offering comprehensive information on the egg freezing process, success stories, and expert advice.
  • Professional Consultations: Schedule consultations with reproductive endocrinologists and fertility specialists who can provide personalized guidance based on your unique situation.

2. Emotional Support

  • Support Groups: Joining support groups can be immensely beneficial. These provide a safe space to discuss concerns, fears, and triumphs with individuals who are on a similar journey.
  • Counseling Services: Professional therapists and counselors with expertise in fertility can offer valuable emotional support. Often this is family counselors or even grief counselors. 

3. Clinic Selection

Choosing the right clinic is a critical decision in the egg-freezing process. When it comes to selecting a clinic for egg freezing, there are several factors to consider:

  • Reputation: Research the clinic's reputation, success rates, and patient reviews. Ask trusted healthcare providers, like your OB/GYN, in your area about the reputation.  They may refrain from speaking negatively about certain clinics so listen to who they recommend. 
  • Numbers: Clinics are required to submit their outcomes. You can look at the CDC or SART to get a good picture of how the clinic performs to aid in decision-making. 
  • Location: Consider the location and accessibility of the clinic- you may want it to be close to home or your job depending on when most of your appointments may be.
  • Hours: Is your clinic open early or late for lab draws or Ultrasounds? Are they open on holidays or weekends if needed?
  • Cost: Determine the cost of egg freezing at the clinic, including consultations, medications, and the procedure itself.
  • Expertise: Assess the experience and qualifications of the healthcare professionals at the clinic.
  • Technology and Facilities: Ensure that the clinic is equipped with the latest technology and state-of-the-art facilities. Be specific! 

If this all sounds like a lot to navigate and you feel like it's almost as if you’re taking on a full-time job, I am experienced in this area and have LOTS of resources for you to take to your appointments, questions to ask, and experience to help you get through this with fewer hurdles. You are busy- let’s do this right the first time!

Katy Poole Wellness: Your Ultimate Resource

Katy Poole Wellness is a pioneering and comprehensive resource that offers guidance and support to women embarking on the egg-freezing journey.  I saw a huge lapse in care from my personal fertility journey and supporting friends who were egg-freezing and doing IVF.  This is how we can support you in each of these areas:

1. Clinic Selection

Selecting the right clinic is one of the most pivotal decisions you will make in your egg-freezing journey. I provide an invaluable service by helping you choose the perfect clinic based on your individual needs and preferences. We look at

  • Clinic Recommendations: I have an extensive network of reputable fertility clinics, and I can recommend clinics that align with your goals and location.
  • Personalized Support: I will work closely with you to understand your unique situation, ensuring that you find a clinic that meets your specific requirements. 
  • I offer a detailed list of questions to ask, and what kind of responses to look for and I will conduct personalized research on the clinic’s success rates.

2. Injection Guidance

The process of injecting fertility medications during egg freezing can be intimidating for many women, especially if you don’t have anyone to help you with your shots. Ouch!  I will provide comprehensive support for this crucial step:

  • Injection Training: I provide guidance and resources to help you master the art of self-injections, ensuring that you are comfortable with the process.
  • We also ensure that you do this correctly, it’s costly and you don't want to screw up an injection that was expensive and that could negatively affect your outcomes with the retrieval.
  • Support: Katy Poole Wellness provides round-the-clock support, addressing any concerns or questions you might have during the injection process during the days of your injections.
  1. Enhanced Outcomes

I go deep into your health history and current habits to help maximize the chances of a successful egg-freezing cycle. They focus on improving the quality and quantity of eggs, ultimately increasing the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy in the future:

  • Health Assessment: I use my background as a seasoned nurse practitioner to assess underlying issues that may contribute to poor-quality eggs. I  also work with your healthcare provider to determine which supplements or medication you may need to improve your egg health before egg retrieval.
  • Holistic Approach: I promote a holistic approach to wellness, which includes lifestyle and dietary recommendations to optimize your reproductive health.
  • Nutritional Guidance: I  provide nutritional advice to support egg quality and overall fertility.
  • Stress Reduction: A lot of stress associated with egg freezing is due to the unknown. I will help you feel empowered during the process so that you get through this with few hiccups.


The added value of having individualized support with you along the egg-freezing journey cannot be overstated. Expertise in clinic selection, injection guidance, and outcomes enhancement will set you apart with optimal outcomes. 

Egg freezing offers people an incredible opportunity to take control of their fertility and reproductive futures. However, it's a complex and often emotionally charged process. Having the right support and resources in place is essential to navigate this journey successfully.

I help by providing guidance so you can confidently select the right clinic, master the injection process, and optimize your chances of achieving higher-quality eggs. Offering a holistic approach to wellness and unwavering support can make a significant difference in your egg-freezing journey, ensuring that you take a proactive step toward securing your future family.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and there is support and expertise available to guide you every step of the way. Let’s talk about how we can improve your outcomes, experience, and confidence as you embark on manifesting your future!